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Exploring Paris

I have been a little lost these past weeks, honestly my head has been all over the place and I couldn’t get myself to really write something even though I have a lot to share. I want to share with you some of the places I have been to in Paris, although some of these are not my favorite places, I believe these make a difference in the way we see Paris (at least to me). When I took these pictures I felt moved in some way when I saw the sunlight kissing the building’s old architecture, or the way the street was or simply a combination of these things. When I take a picture, to me is all about the feeling I get, whether is happiness, sadness, homesickness, or even beauty. After I moved to NYC photography took a different turn in my head, I saw it as an expression of feelings at a given place and point in time. --> Le Quartier Latin: It is not the Latino neighborhood here in Paris, to me is more of a lively neighborhood filled with tourists and the younger ge

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