Exploring Paris

I have been a little lost these past weeks, honestly my head has been all over the place and I couldn’t get myself to really write something even though I have a lot to share.
I want to share with you some of the places I have been to in Paris, although some of these are not my favorite places, I believe these make a difference in the way we see Paris (at least to me). When I took these pictures I felt moved in some way when I saw the sunlight kissing the building’s old architecture, or the way the street was or simply a combination of these things.
When I take a picture, to me is all about the feeling I get, whether is happiness, sadness, homesickness, or even beauty. After I moved to NYC photography took a different turn in my head, I saw it as an expression of feelings at a given place and point in time.

--> Le Quartier Latin: It is not the Latino neighborhood here in Paris, to me is more of a lively neighborhood filled with tourists and the younger generation since is filled with cafés, brasseries, and bars. In this neighborhood we also find the Saint-Michel Fountain, Église Saint Sulpice, Shakespeare Café, Le Procope (Old café in Paris filled with history), among other attractions Paris offers obviously each place with its own charm and history. 

Église Saint Sulpice

Église Saint Sulpice

Fontaine Saint-Michel

Cathédrale Saint-Michel de Notre Dame, Île de la Cité

Cathédrale Saint-Michel de Notre Dame, Île de la Cité 

Musée d’Orsay: I loved this place the details in the architecture, but also the modern vibes it gives you is just incredible. The paintings and sculptures are just a plus of the amazing things this place has. Every exhibition and space of this museum gives you a different feeling and makes you appreciate and see every exhibition differently. Definitely a MUST!!

Van Gogh

Panoramic view

Different perspective

Van Gogh self portrait

Sénat: Last but not least the Sénat or Palais du Luxembourg. My university organized a guided visit to the Senate and the only thing I would say is the similarities with Versailles decoration is not pure coincidence this was all Louis XIV and Napoleon Bonaparte’s masterpiece. The art, sculpture, gold extravaganza was France’s predominant Baroque architecture in the 18th Century. This building connects to the Jardin du Luxembourg which is absolutely charming.
