Deciding to Study Abroad

Hello all,

You will find a little about myself in the about section of this blog. I decided to start writing about my Study Abroad experience, from how everything started and I will constantly update my adventures and experiences as the semester progresses (it doesn’t mean that I will stop writing after the semester ends, I will post about other things too).

I always wanted to study abroad, however, since I was a transfer student and in my sophomore year, I thought it was nearly impossible to do this, so I discarded the idea of studying abroad. When I transferred to Baruch (NYC) my mind was set to get accepted into Zicklin Business School and the International Business program. When I got accepted into both, my surprise was that I needed to study abroad in order to graduate, and my excitement took over my body once again.
To make the “where” I want to study abroad story short, I picked Paris for three reasons: one is that it will aid with my French (super important as a French minor), and also taking into consideration a faster life pace compared to other French speaking cities, and well, it was in my bucket list. The whole study abroad process started this past January and ended in April, this ended up being tedious and stressful, adding to that my classes and work. It took approximately 3 weeks to hear back from the study abroad department regarding their acceptance decisions (3 weeks felt like forever, knowing that the Paris program was extremely competitive and popular).

My acceptance to this program was a moment of happiness, for me and my loved ones that had been supporting me throughout the whole process. As time passed by and as the whole acceptance process moved along, I found myself taking for granted the reality that I was going to live in Paris for a semester. Honestly I did not accept this reality until the day after I arrived. That Saturday I felt everything inside me so sad and empty, also frightened at the same time. Fear to feel alone in this city, fear to start over, fear because of my lack of French skills. This fear took over me the whole weekend (more like a week), I was sad, and did not know what to do, or who to talk taking into consideration that I have a 6-hour difference with New York.

I realized that I was freaking out, and that I did not mentally prepared myself for this, it took me a whole week to actually realize that I am living in Paris for 4 months, away from family, friends, boyfriend, and everything I know. I would be lying if I said that everything came out as planned and was extremely easy as soon as I got to France, but that is not the reality. I will be posting soon about my first week adventures, including my travesty the day I left NYC and landed in Paris (you will laugh, I promise).

Stay tuned for more, thank you in advance for reading my blog.

La Tour Eiffel

L'Arc de Triomphe from the Car.
